Wednesday, 27 May 2015

In the Hope of Travelling

If I had to think back and identify my very first memory –it’d be the memory of a train journey. That’s how I fell in love with travelling –through multiple days and nights spent on trains with my parents, traversing all the diversities of our beautiful country, India.

I’m told I was neither fussy nor impatient –I would sit by the window, and gaze out at the barley fields or rivers, or what have you. Lost in thought, through the years, I’ve found myself through travelling.

Until now, my trips within India and abroad have been graciously financed by my parents (both travel enthusiasts just like me, I suppose it runs in the blood!), I now stand on the threshold of adulthood (okay, I’ll be honest, I’m a little past that) where financial independence looms dauntingly ahead!

So, nowadays, I often find myself browsing through Travel and tourism courses or some such thing –to give me hope for a career that allows me to earn a living off of something I absolutely love.
And let me tell you, as much as it seems like an unlikely happening, there are actually a large and varied number of things you can do to travel and make money at the same time! For example, you could get into travel writing, travel blogging, photography, fashion, politics…Oh, the list is simply endless. Think of any profession, and there’s no reason you can’t add a dash of travelling to it!

One prospect I found to be rather enticing was that of Travel and tourism courses. The very name is alluring enough, isn’t it? You could go into planning, organising, etc., you could become a travel agent, a tour operator, work at a museum… You could do anything you want to!

But you know what… With options amok, I find myself eager to dabble in a bit of everything. And maybe I will… Maybe one day you’re going to see my name become synonymous with the travel and tourism industry! Until then, fare thee well!

Tuesday, 12 May 2015

A sneak-peak to hotel management

The day I took my last board exam of twelfth class should have been marked with excitement and ecstasy. But there I was, sitting in one corner of my house, lost and befuddled. I was absolutely clueless about my future. On the other hand, all my friends were celebrating their newfound freedom. While most of them too had no idea of the career they wished to pursue, there was this one friend among those who was absolutely sure about his future career in hotel management.

While I went for the safest option and took admission in one of the most popular commerce courses, my friend managed to gain admission in one of the top 10 hotel management colleges in India. He soon left the city to pursue his long-cherished dream. While he called me regularly in the beginning, his calls became less frequent with the passage of time. He told me about his erratic work hours that often left him deprived of sleep. But he was always cheerful, and narrated all his experiences in depth. He told me all about the skills that he had acquired. I was very happy when I got to know about his internship with a premium hotel and how much his work was being appreciated by his seniors over there. He also managed to land a job with the same hotel after he graduated from college.

Even though he works outside Delhi, he keeps paying regular visits to his family here. All of his friends (including me) recently went to meet him at his place. His passion and dedication never fail to amaze us. Despite being on vacation, he personally cooked food for all of us and treated us with utmost hospitality. I must say that the food was absolutely delicious. We are sure he would go a long way if he continues to work hard like this.